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My dad blocked tumblr and twitter from my computer for all web browsers. How can I fix that? - Printable Version

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My dad blocked tumblr and twitter from my computer for all web browsers. How can I fix that? - Ashley Taylor - 04-28-2014 01:26 AM

my dad's an ass and only blocked those. how can i fix this? if it matters i have a sony vaio laptop so if you can help me thank you so much!
my dad blocked those two because he thinks they're dangerous yet he has no idea what they are. i'm on my own computer that i payed for, he won't allow me to get a job until i'm 18 which is a few months away so don't be so damn rude. you don't know my dad and that he doesn't give things back that he's taken away.

- chrisjbsc - 04-28-2014 01:31 AM

Ask your Dad, without calling him names, what you would need to do to be allowed to access those things that he doesn't want you to access.
You might have to access them only between certain hours, or only after taking the dog for a walk, or only on a Saturday after completing all your home work...

It is his computer, his internet line, his responsibility, his money. If you don't like that, grow up and become responsible yourself.