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My ex messaged me? - Printable Version

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My ex messaged me? - Samantha - 04-28-2014 01:38 AM


My ex and I got into this HUGE fight 2 months ago, where mean things were said on both sides and I thought he didn't want to be friends or whatever.
We didn't talk for 2 months.

We play in the same soccer league on sundays, and 3 weeks ago, I saw him and tried talking to him but all he said was "sorry, can't talk"

I was blocked on Facebook.
So I guess he unblocked me

Until Friday, when he messaged me on Facebook, saying "you wanted to talk the other day? I'm listening…."
So we were kind of texting for a little bit but then he stopped responding… lol

Why would he message me?? And then stop responding after a little? Lol

So I messaged him on Facebook today and said "so since you obviously won't say anything, until you hear what I wanted to say - I don't understand why that argument (the one I apologized for) made us stop being friends or whatever lol" but he read it last night and didn't respond...

Do you think he is reconsidering being friends since it's been a couple of months since the argument?
Do you think he was thinking about me? I kind of think he was...
But why would he just stop responding? He doesn't want to just jump back into being close friends?

And today at soccer, my game is at 6 and his is at 7… I have to leave early because I have a work meeting… Should I ask him to come early to his game so we can talk?

- Sweet - 04-28-2014 01:45 AM

If he wants talk to u he will

- Courtney - 04-28-2014 01:50 AM

things take time. when things end badly it will take a while for a guy to come around. since you already tried to talk to him just don't try talking to him…he will come around eventually!