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How is my daughter getting on the internet? - Printable Version

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How is my daughter getting on the internet? - The Thinker - 04-28-2014 01:40 AM

She has a smartphone which has telephone services suspended but it can still get wifi in the house. So i turn the house wifi off and she says she can still get on via a free wifi network. How?

- webjnke1 - 04-28-2014 01:45 AM

From a neighbor. Or somewhere like mcdonalds.

- Empire539 - 04-28-2014 01:50 AM

It's possible that she's connected to a nearby unprotected (aka unsecured) WiFi network that you do not own. Do your neighbors have WiFi? If so, they not have been savvy enough to put a password on it, allowing her phone's WiFi receiver to pick up their signals and allow her to connect to theirs instead of yours.

- Paula Sumatra - 04-28-2014 01:53 AM

when u get wifi in your house u have a choice whether to lock your wifi or leave it unlocked. she's using an unlocked wifi service close by. they have no idea though.

- dewcoons - 04-28-2014 02:00 AM

Smart phones are not like a computer. They are able to access the Internet using a standard cell phone signal. Anywhere you have cell phone reception you also have cell phone/smartphone Internet. She was not using the house wifi, but "cell phone" wireless. Or she is using the signal from one of your neighbor's computer wifi. Their signal is strong enough to reach your house.

- Allan - 04-28-2014 02:02 AM

Some businesses provide free WiFi as a service for their customers. Anyone within range can use these services. There may also be unsecured WiFi networks in your area.

- Chris - 04-28-2014 02:04 AM

She's either on 4G, using an unprotected wifi network, or your house is located to a place that offers free wifi.