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How can I use Yahoo Pipes to auto retweet on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How can I use Yahoo Pipes to auto retweet on Twitter? - Deecee - 04-28-2014 01:41 AM

I spend a couple of hours each day retweeting the account for a charity that is important to me, but I have to stop because it's taking too much of my work at home time. I want to set up an auto retweet and saw instructions for doing that with Yahoo Pipes. I'm not that savvy and couldn't figure how to do it to retweet someone elses account. Can somebody please tell me really clearly how to do it? I would appreciate it very much. The charity is animal rescue and I just hate to stop the retweets that help them. THANKS!!!!

- dori - 04-28-2014 01:44 AM
