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Help! My internet keeps going limited!? - Printable Version

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Help! My internet keeps going limited!? - Derpyderp - 04-28-2014 01:50 AM

It'll go on and off, back and fourth, from limited to regular and it'll have a yellow triangle with a "!" sign. It's been doing this for a while now, like a week, but it stopped and worked regulary but it's starting again! Our phone goes out and our internet but our charter still works so the bill is paid and it keeps going on and off, what do we do! ASAP help.

- Zarn - 04-28-2014 01:51 AM

Sounds as if you have a DHCP or DNS problem with your router. I'm betting it is a DNS problem. You can try resetting your router, updating your router with the latest firmware, or try inserting Google's DNSes in your computer, and/or . You'll likely have to google how to do this, as you didn't include what operating system(s) the device(s) have.