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The New Facebook... Please help! - Printable Version

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The New Facebook... Please help! - lovestreet - 04-28-2014 01:51 AM

All my friends have the new facebook but I still don't have it. Does anyone know the reason for this?

Please note I have already tried:
(It just takes me back to my profile)

-There is no link on my homepage for me to try the new facebook.

-I have seen the new facebook profile and i still have the old one.

-I have tried both signing in & signing out.

I know they are gradually letting everyone try the new facebook but i don't understand why all my friends have it and i don't!! Not fair ;o( lol
I can't find anymore info on the facebook admin webpage about why i may not have it yet..

anyway, any help would be appreciated.
thanks <3

- rhay - 04-28-2014 01:56 AM

You need to select the option to have the new facebook (you get to choose if you want it or not). You can do this by going to the homepage:

(the difference is "new." is written before

another one (i took this one from another user's question, worked for me)
is go to home, and at the top below your browser, there should be the option to try the new facebook!

- Babes.Ox - 04-28-2014 02:05 AM

add this application first
then try i had the same problem a few weeks back hope this helps. Smile