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Why do i keep checking up on my ex? - Printable Version

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Why do i keep checking up on my ex? - Turfwar - 04-28-2014 01:53 AM

I cut off my ex a year ago who i have no plans or desire to get back with . I just keep finding myself checking her twitter once in a blue moon to see if she's doing better or not. I think deep down i still hate her for what she did so i want to see her suffering. BTW i cut her off because we began dating again and she already had a boyfriend the whole time.i loved her for 3 years before then. I have a wonderful girlfriend who unfortunately i only get to see once a week. Who ive been with for two years now. That might be the problem. Idk. I just dont know why i keep checking up on her. Its been an ongoing problem. I know ive moved on i just for some reason wanna see her get played like she did me. Or just to plain see her doing badly

- Jessica - 04-28-2014 02:01 AM

u still care

- Lily - 04-28-2014 02:11 AM

You still love her deep down. You may want to schedule dinner with her and see how things go. She may feel the same.

- Liliana J - 04-28-2014 02:18 AM

you are still hurt and u want her to suffer like u said.maybe u should find another thing to do cuz is not good to wish others bad ..karma is a a ***** so just wait for it

- Caliban - 04-28-2014 02:26 AM

A few heart strings are still obviously attached.
Hurt feelings and memories tend to stick around a lot
longer than people want. Your checking up on her is
probably just your way of coping with everything.

- Carol - 04-28-2014 02:36 AM

You need a gf whom you can see for more than once a week for the last two years. That's not a relationship. That's FWB.

You check on your ex because you need a real relationship. Reading her social media fills that void. Good luck.