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What does this Mac/OSX icon mean? - Printable Version

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What does this Mac/OSX icon mean? - polskajason - 04-28-2014 02:03 AM

About 1/4 of the time when I download a file, the icon ends up looking like this:

Sometimes it converts into the right icon (like an Adobe PDF in the case of the image above), but often it doesn't.
I thought it was incomplete somehow, too, but the files opened absolutely normally. I didn't get an error message at all.

I've only started to see this since I installed Mavericks - never saw it before.

- obedientfan747 - 04-28-2014 02:07 AM

It does't look like the file is downloading correctly. What browser are you using? If this is Safari, try updating to the latest version. Also, it could be another program is preventing the download from completing. You could try using a different browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Occasionally, this can also be caused by a bad internet connection.

- SilverTonguedDevil - 04-28-2014 02:09 AM

The progress bar attached to the file icon means it is not complete. Try downloading again. If this becomes a frequent problem, call your ISP and ask to upgrade to faster service.

Maybe post your photos on Flickr from now on. That imgur site is sh*tty, has dozens of cross-scripting connections that slow it down. Probably has malware in that case. I managed to get the picture to load in a proxy connection.