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How do I start talking to this girl I like?!? - Printable Version

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How do I start talking to this girl I like?!? - Cleon - 04-28-2014 02:04 AM

There's this girl at my school that literally we don't know eachother. But I think she's really pretty. Never talked. How can I easily start talking to her? Should I follow her on twitter and say something or instagram? Not in person

- America - 04-28-2014 02:08 AM

Find out where she lives and introduce termites into her house. Sit semi-near her at lunch and say really loudly, "So this amazing exterminator came to my house and cleared up my termite problem! I would totally recommend him to anyone who asked!" She should ask you for the recommendation and you can very obviously flirt with her.

This totally works! I met my husband that way.

- Genuis - 04-28-2014 02:10 AM

Say something in person. It'll show her that you're not a coward and you're not afraid of her. She'll respect your approach.

First play the eye contact game. Look into her eyes for at least 5 seconds before turning away. Repeat this 2 times. If she plays along she likes you. If she looks away quick but looks again later (or double takes) she likes you. If you're still not sure play this game for 2 days.

When you're ready. Walk up to her and say "hey, I've been noticing you for awhile now my name is ?. And you are????? Well hey (her name) you're really pretty. We should talk again sometime."

That's your introduction. Work on your conversation skills. That's big when talking to girls. Don't think about it too much though. It's simple.

Before you talk to her take a deep breath and calm down. You'll be better with a clear head.

Good luck.

This will work. Trust me. Just be confident and take my advice.

Worry about getting her number later.

- Lyric - 04-28-2014 02:14 AM

Find out some things about her such as:

~> Is she single?
~> Does she want to date or "talk"?
~> Find out some key things she likes that are noticeable.

Give her compliments in the hallway, ask for her name even if you know (unless she knows that you know her name), introduce yourself. It's better to do it in person. If you guys get close enough then text or message her. I know it's defiantly not easy. I go though it with guys myself. Just build up confidence!