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What does the slang word BUS mean? - Printable Version

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What does the slang word BUS mean? - Ladybugs - 04-28-2014 02:07 AM

I thought singles/dating, I'd find some more teenagers to help me figure this out.

A small group of Black teens were leaning against me car. I asked them get off, so I can go home.

They ignored me, so I said "leave!"

One of them yelled at me BUS and they all howled with laughter.

FYI I'm a white lady in my mid thirties (and have no idea who these boys are).

PS glad to say I made it home okay :-)
Added detail: I should have been clear, he said to me BUS, like he called me BUS. Not, as in, "let's catch a bus...." Curious what the slang meaning is.

- Steve - 04-28-2014 02:15 AM

Think bus equals ride and lots of people ride a bus. That one's older than me or yourself.
I'm in my thirties.

- evee - 04-28-2014 02:22 AM

lol white people man you're crazy...they meant an actual bus

- Leonardo - 04-28-2014 02:23 AM

I actually kinda know what that means, I know it's an insult and sorry that they said that to you, but here's a direct source; "A slang term used to describe a woman or girl who is rotund, fat, large, and who gets around alot."

- bonn - 04-28-2014 02:24 AM

BUS is a term used for thick girls.

- Matthew - 04-28-2014 02:28 AM

I'm thinking big ugly sl*t.

- mando - 04-28-2014 02:38 AM

hmmm, never heard of that before...

maybe it implies you have a big rack???
alot of buses where I live have huge racks at the top where you put stuff...

Lets begin.

1) Valentines day: I ask my co worker (we also go to the same school) to prom with half a dozen roses and a rice krispie with the words "Prom?" written on it. I asked at work in the changeroom. She cried and said no because someone else had asked her hours before in school THAT DAY. (I had bought the roses two days before and wanted to wait till valentines...) She later asked me out but for personal reasons at the time, I declined. I asked her out later but then personal issues came into play and I could not follow up. Then last week, I found out that she actually likes me and doesn't want to go to prom with the other guy because she only likes him as a friend...

2) Korean girl. known her for two years, flirted quite a bit over text, even more in person. I asked her with a stuffed animal. Took her forty minutes (that's right!) forty minutes and couldn't make a decision. She held my hand, hugged me on and off for that span of time. We stopped after the vice principal came by TWICE (after asking what we were doing, imagine how awkward that was) and the VP kicked us out of the halls (it was after school)

3) Brunette athlete: really nice girl. I talked to her a bit in grade 9 then we started talking alot over the last few days! Asked her to prom with a stuffed animal (same one as 2) ) and she did not hesitate to say yes! she was so excited, hugged me and said "Now I have to get you a corsage!"

I get a message on facebook. Long long message about how she only said yes to "protect the friendship" and that we just started being friends. I pushed a bit and she admitted that after I asked her, the guy she wanted to go with had asked her! She took the stuffed animal too!

4) Girl i used to volunteer with: sarah. No gifts, just asked her, she gave off a pretty positive vibe but I'm still waiting for a reply. She's in grade 11 so she has to ask her parents if she can go right?

So you see from the girl 1, I liked her and decided to ask in feburary (so many ppl who knew laughed, saying it was wayy too early) I end up asking too LATE. Girl 1 liked me yet stayed with the first guy.

I asked girl 3 first! but she broke things off because she liked the second guy who i asked her.

I ask first, or second, i still end up with the short end of the stick...

Don't fear rejection. It is not a big deal...even in my case, I know a friend from last year, he asked 20+ rejected by all. Went with some random girl none of us knew and she was know where he is? Harvard...he'll have women crawling all over for him once he gets out!

Honestly, rejection is a part of life, sure feel depressed for a day, hell give it a weekend. but pick yourself up and get out there and score a date!

I'm 0 for 3 right now, and I'm asking another girl once I get back to school from break cause it's just prom and hell I'm going to ask girl 1 out after in the summer!

it's all about perspective. Look forward and as my older friends have told me. It's just prom...wait till frost week...

Answer mine!

Best of luck! and answer mine!