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Is he going to ask me out? help.? - Printable Version

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Is he going to ask me out? help.? - Sarcasticdime825 - 04-28-2014 02:07 AM

So my friend that's a guy says that he likes me on fb. But he was joking at first atleast I hope sayig if I want to be his f*** buddy and I said no. And later he says that he's liked me and if I'd go out with him. I said yes and he's asked me to meet up with him. I will meet him but I feel like something will go wrong idk. What do you think? Is he joking around or what?

- Marian - 04-28-2014 02:16 AM

dont think anything will go wrong just meet him and act as friends.

- Skyla Jay - 04-28-2014 02:19 AM

Guys are really hard to read, But I would meet up with him just in case he was being serious about it. And if he wasn't then maybe you'll just gain a new best friend. You shouldn't worry too much, not much could go wrong. (: Good luck though!!