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How do I know a site has SEO? ANY COMPUTER GEEKS? - Printable Version

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How do I know a site has SEO? ANY COMPUTER GEEKS? - relievedpopcorn150 - 04-28-2014 02:09 AM

I had/have a website, and a website geek told me that wherever I build the website they do not have an SEO, so I made a deal with her and of course she is charging me to transfer my website to another site that has an SEO, ok.... my question is how do i know a site has SEO??? because when she looked at my website she said this ""
Your web site looks like it was created on-line using software from a Web hosting service. If you built your Web site on then you probably used software called Site Builder. This type of software allows you to build your own Web site without any technical knowledge.

There are many different types of Site Building tools on the Internet. Most of them have a lot of limits to what you can do.

Do you know if you can change the title of your Web pages with the site you created on

Do you know if you can change the description tag or keywords tag?

I don't see any SEO work on your Web site that you might have done. What did you do exactly?

I can see that the PayPal shopping cart links are not complete. The item descriptions and amounts are missing from the order when I click "Buy Now". No one would be able to complete an order to buy something from you from your web site unless you can add these missing parts. That information comes from your PayPal account when you set up each product with PayPal.

OK what can you tell me about my question, she told me it will take her a week to do and now been 2 weeks.... I do not want to wait another day, but I do not want to put pressure on her, she has the passwords, yep I gave her the passwords. well give me reasonable answers please. THanks
Thanks Colant but how am I gonna know it is designed...? like you are saying, how can I know?

- Colanth - 04-28-2014 02:13 AM

If a site looks like it was "designed" with site builder software, it's a safe bet that there's no SE optimization on it. It's like betting that a VW Beetle can't outrace a BMW. Not certain, but pretty safe. People who can do SEO don't use site builders.

You could call her and ask her how it's going. That's not pressure, but it'll remind her that she promised to be finished last week.

- Bluebell - 04-28-2014 02:17 AM

1. Download SEO For Firefox 3.3.0
2. Install it.
3. Open Google in your Firefox Browser and search you site here. You can find all the needed SEO listing for your site with the present status.