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Please suggest how to come in top 5 google search result.? - Printable Version

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Please suggest how to come in top 5 google search result.? - Foolishplayground071 - 04-28-2014 02:18 AM

Please suggest how to come in top 5 google search result like comes for their keywords. And please suggest how to get more page rank .

- shabu s - 04-28-2014 02:19 AM

Do SEO works.

Refer the links

- Turbo Asker - 04-28-2014 02:23 AM

It covers by what we call SEO / Search Engine Optimization.
It is a big subject in Internet Marketing
so 5 things to consider is not enough IMHO.
But I'll give you the meat:
1. Get your domain EMD (exact match domain).
2. Prefer to .Com but .Net or .Org is fine.
3. Target the right keyword with low competition.
4. Put original contents.
5. Get it backlinked from authority sites or (less preferred) from high page rank SITES.

[You need tools for this like Market Samurai, Bookmarking Demon etc]

- Vicky Arora - 04-28-2014 02:27 AM

It will happen through seo .You can also doing this work by directory submissions,SBS,Article submission,PR,forum posting and blog commenting if you have knowledge about SEO.You can do it your own.

- straightpatch951 - 04-28-2014 02:31 AM

Page Rank may have a lot to do with quality links to other websites. You can ask other sites similar in theme to yours to exchange links, but what usually gets people to your site is quality written content. When you look at say Yahoo Groups, Answer, you have people providing links to quality content websites, and so you get free advertising almost for free.

Google doesn't really explain in detail how you can get a PR 3, PR 4 but its a good sign if you a PR3. It means you are doing something right. (I was rated a PR4 and then dropped to a PR3) I do not have that many members and there is not that great of hits to my website, but I write clever Press Releases and got ABC News linked up to my site not once but twice.

As far as placement in Google, I am on Page 4 and sometimes 5 and what I see is what happens when I get to slip back to Page 4 is how many hits I get to my website. You can keep track of that by using "site meter" Google that and you will find their website. It is free.

That's all I can add right now. I do all SEO on my own and I know if I hired someone, my PR and web search rating may improve but I do it myself to keep the website free for users. I hope that helps.

- Vibhas - 04-28-2014 02:33 AM

I agree with Johnny's comment