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Tax Free Week and Internet connection in Virginia Beach? - Printable Version

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Tax Free Week and Internet connection in Virginia Beach? - akliniozgurbirak - 04-28-2014 02:20 AM

I have two simple questions.
---When is the tax free week in Virgina Beach? Last year in Miami, I have bought an i-Pod and it was in the tax free week. However, I couldn't find any information about this tax free week. So when? The exact week?

----In Virginia Beach how can I connect to internet? I will stay in one of the real estate and I don't know how is the internet connection in this country. I am from Europe and in Europe there is an ADSL that is like cable TV. Anyway, what am i suppose to do, am i need to go some goverment place and fill the internet connection forms? or there is too much Wireless connection, I hope Smile

Thank you!

- mj69catz - 04-28-2014 02:23 AM

Not every state/city has a Tax Free Week. Some of the bigger ones do, especially right before school.

As to the internet connection - you may want to contact the hotel/location where you are going to stay.

Most places these days have a free computer and internet connection you can use in the business center. Many phone companies have wireless, and many stores have wireless.

ADSL is more through the phone lines (but a little different than a phone line) and is available in some locations. This is the physical connection. You really have to contact the people you are staying with, because their physical connection has to match yours.

Then, you have to contact your Internet Service Provider and see if they provide service to that area. Usually with ADSL or Cable, the connection is automatic.

Good Luck.