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Not sure how to handle someone who sends FB PMs constantly, the moment they see me online, even for a second.? - Printable Version

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Not sure how to handle someone who sends FB PMs constantly, the moment they see me online, even for a second.? - ♪ Rachel ♫ - 04-28-2014 02:26 AM

I am happy for my friends to PM me on facebook, I enjoy chatting, but this person PMs me every, single time it shows that I am online, even if I am just checking my phone for a second at a morning tea break or something. They will go , "|hi, hi, are you there..." I feel like I have to reply all the time as I don't want to be rude, but it's starting to get a bit annoying. Sometimes I really am just quickly checking Facebook and don't have the time to reply fully or have a conversation until that evening. But if I don't reply, I'll have at least five "hi's" in the inbox before the work day is up. Am I being rude in thinking this is wrong, and how to do I politely explain that I can't always reply straight away, which I've done but she still doesn't get.

- WTFchuck - 04-28-2014 02:32 AM

the word is "block"

- injunrob9 - 04-28-2014 02:41 AM

Repeat exactly what you said just now,....make it a status even. You could just block the person too.

- deanyourfriendinky - 04-28-2014 02:43 AM

You are under no obligation to respond to a private message ... not even a little bit. Next time this problem occurs, private message her back a message similar to this one:

Hi. I'm a little busy at the moment, Have a great day. I'll be available at (choose a time and a date and type that here).

That's it. No further explanation is necessary.

After you've sent that response, ignore all her further private messages until you've completed the tasks you want to complete with your computer. Just ignore them, It's your God-given right.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm not familiar with the culture in New Zealand, which is where Yahoo! Answers identifies this question's origination. So if this sort of bluntness is taboo in the area where you live, then just use whatever features Facebook may have for blocking private messages until such time as you are free to private message your friend.

- Daniel - 04-28-2014 02:48 AM

Just Ask Them Politely to Please Slow Down With the Messages And To Not Write to You the Moment you Get On and To Give you Time to Respond Back

As Long As you Do it Politely i Dont See a Problem With it