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Does Adwords help you get views? - Printable Version

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Does Adwords help you get views? - Kerem - 04-28-2014 02:29 AM

Is it worth it. Did it help you

- Jake - 04-28-2014 02:37 AM

It's a premium targeted visitor source, generally too expensive for just upping the view count, typically one needs a sales site with an optimized ad copy, keyword selection and landing page design in order to have a profitable campaign. Some marketers are encouraged if they are near break even on the first attempt, knowing some refinement and landing page split testing can make it profitable.

Some of the less competitive keywords, or their ad network ads are somewhat cheaper, you can select the individual sites or even pages you want your ads to appear on, this gives you a chance to catch people people reading about your topic with careful ad placement.

Often either Adwords or Facebook paid ads are recommended for first time ad buyers, they are quite different systems, while sponsored search ads allow you to provide the specific solution for what someone is actively searching for, Facebook ads are interrupting someone's social meanderings, a bit like an advert on the comics section of the newspaper. Just catching their eye with a standout image is half the battle.

- Joel - 04-28-2014 02:40 AM

It can, but you will seriously need to think if this is right for your budget starting out in the beginning. It might be better to use all forms of free traffic such as social media and then add Adwords to help.

- Madcreature892 - 04-28-2014 02:42 AM

There was a time doing the golden age when you could by clicks for a couple of cents and send it to your website and even with a poorly optimised site you can still generate leads and sales because you were paying so little for clicks.

These days, clicks cost a premium and you need to have a rock soild conversion funnel in order to capitalise on the click.

You cannot look at "views" as a target KPI. You need to focus on sales and leads. The lead value has to be worked out so that you are paying less for that lead than it was worth to you.