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can an inmate put a lawsuit on someone? - Printable Version

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can an inmate put a lawsuit on someone? - justagal6 - 04-28-2014 02:33 AM

Ive been writing an inmate for 10 years now. We have held a very good friendship and I have enjoyed this man very much. He is an artist, a very good artist, He has had a few other peopke place his art work in shops and places to sell it etc. Well about 2 years ago he told me that he had this woman whom was madly in love with him, doing his card reproductions and footwork to sell his art out here. He said she was doing a lousy job and he went so far as to call her a skank. Well we decided to start a relationship as soul mates and he even asked me to marry him. He gave me power of attorney on everydecision over his art and even his parole papers. I took over an existing Facebook site that the other woman put togather and basically used it for advertising. Well as of Jan 1st this man said he is in love with another woman and that she now holds the power of attorney over all his stuff and he said he is placing a lawsuit against me for not deleting this FB account when he asked me to. He did ask me to deactivate ie but each time I did it caame back like I never did anything. I began wondering if the other woman was behind this in some way. Now the new girl in his life is telling me over FB that there is a pending this even possible?

- happydawg - 04-28-2014 02:42 AM

You are being manipulated by an inmate. If you pay attention, most losers in prison think they are artist. Its all they have to do..sit around and draw, and manipulate women from their prison cells. They lie, and run scams from jail. It happens all the time. He cannot obtain power of attorney over anything when he is in prison. The only attorney he has is the one appointed to him by the state, who helped him as he landed his rear in jail for over 10 yrs. He is a scammer!! I can't tell you enough times, a SCAMMER. Power of attorney only works if you are not able to answer for yourself. He isn't incapacitated, he is just a convict.
Clearly, you have been a victim.
Find yourself someone else to write to. This guy is a loser, and you can do better for yourself. He is such a joke.