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HOW MUCH LEGAL TROUBLE CAN I GET INTO ?!!?!!? - Printable Version

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HOW MUCH LEGAL TROUBLE CAN I GET INTO ?!!?!!? - Misunderstoodvisitor357 - 04-28-2014 02:35 AM

I created a fake instagram profile as a fan account for someone at schools youtube(a). I tagged another girl from our school(b) in a picture of A. B found out about the YouTube and A found out that I created the profile. A wants to get the police involved and I'm sh*tting bricks. Can you get into any legal trouble from creating a fake profile and using it to pretend to love someone's YouTube ?? It sounds really silly but I'm actually really scared. I'm 13 if that helps? pls don't comment things like omg why did u do tht as I am not looking for hate but for answers than you guys Smile

- Norma - 04-28-2014 02:42 AM

talk to a. (lol this is like pll) tell her/him that you're very sorry and you'll delete the profile. be very nice. tell b you are also sorry and it won't happen again. try to be calm and just remember to not do things like that again. goodluck!

- Danny - 04-28-2014 02:51 AM

Delete the instagram account, you could actually get into a lot of trouble for that they could twist it and classify that as cyber bullying.

- RSF - 04-28-2014 03:00 AM

If you are in the UK, as I am, you could plead ignorance of the law at that age 'Didn't realise I was doing anything wrong'. I think criminal responsibility starts at 14 over here.

I would agree with norma. Apologise profusely, but don't get blackmailed by your 'friend'. Delete the account to stop the fraud continuing, but maybe do a printout so you can remember exactly what WAS done if this ever gets MORE out of proportion (police indeed!). If your parents are supportive, tell them what's going on ASAP.

I'd personally be inclined to get it off the computer so you can more fully claim you had no intention to reopen your spoof page (it would be too easy to reactivate an electronic copy).

All said, sounds like libel basically. Over here you could potentially get done for it (but I think you'd get off with a caution), but US libel cases are very hard to win - I understand one usually has to prove malicious intent or similar, and, from how you describe things, it doesn't sound like there is any of that.

If you are telling the truth, you have my sympathy, and it all sounds totally out of proportion. As my favourite form teacher once said 'Anyone would think you'd run away from school!'.

I'm more concerned about your use of punctuation - makes it very hard to follow you Tongue