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What is the best laptop for college? - Printable Version

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What is the best laptop for college? - Cindy - 04-28-2014 02:39 AM

I want to buy a small laptop for college but I have no idea what to look for. Help me please!

Budget: $200-500

What is the difference between Windows 8 and Chrome? Which one is better?

- phytema16 - 04-28-2014 02:46 AM

this notebook has great reviews!! it was for college kids

- Lucas - 04-28-2014 02:53 AM

Any laptop should do, to be honest, if you're just planning on using it to write papers, research, etc. As far as the difference between chrome and windows, well.. to put it simply, chrome is internet based (which means that you basically cannot use it if you don't have internet, but it also means everything is easily accessible from any computer), while windows is program based (though you could still choose to use google docs, etc.) I would recommend using windows, because you can use a windows computer for virtually anything, whereas the chrome OS is quite limited.

- Nikolai - 04-28-2014 02:58 AM

Windows 8 is just a better looking version of windows 7 and don't get chrome laptops, they are basically like a bigger version of an android except you can't call anyone. If you are going to college for just business, an hp laptop would do fine. If you are going to college for filming and stuff, get a mac. You can also use a pc laptop for film school, but the processor is terrible when you need to edit videos.

- john - 04-28-2014 03:00 AM

windows 8 is a disaster. it has a favorability rating of about ten percent. in terms of user share(meaning the number of users compared to windows 7 and other OS) it has been an abyssmal failure.chances are you wont like bet is to get windows 7. as for chrome,chrome is a popular choice for people who use laptops for very basic things like flash games, office work, and streaming vidoes.however it has too limitations.first, most apps wont work offline.second, windows programs will not work on it,yet. i am gonna recommend this me if you need more help.

- Ir - 04-28-2014 03:09 AM

Laptops can be heavy. Netbooks are smaller. If you're just doing writing and internetting any of them will be ok but will need to be wi-fi enabled if your 'college' has free wi-fi. If it doesn't you won't be able to get on the internet unless you plug a pay-as-you-go dongal into the usb port. Also some laptops look smaller than most including the Sony Vaio, and the Macbook Air is said to be light in weight. Depending on how long you're going to be using it for each day the most important spec will be how long the battery lasts. Some netbooks claim up to 10 hours, some laptops say 3 hours.