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I answered and ad on Craig'slist..And now? - Printable Version

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I answered and ad on Craig'slist..And now? - Loriane - 04-28-2014 02:40 AM

** PLEASE read the whole thing, otherwise your answer won't really be helpful**

I am 19 and a virgin (i'm not waiting or anything, it just hasn't happend yet).

I was on craigslist looking for a flat for a friend and I went to the personal ads and found myself
answering to one. ( I know, I think it's a little weird too)

The guy's looking for a long term sexual relationship and says he wants to create a real sexual chemistry and evolve sexually and explore fantasies with.

So we exchanged emails and pictures and talked on the phone and he wants to go for a drink or a coffee so we get to know each other a little more.

He seems really experienced and opened about sex, and I think that he thinks that i'm as experienced as he is and I'm really scared of what he'll think about me if I tell him.

If I tell him he might be disppointed because I won't really KNOW what to do or be good at it at first and he might also think that i'm weird for losing it to a stranger i met on craigslist.

I'm scared he'll back out of the "deal" if he knows.

I know it might seem weird, but I don't want to get attached and I am really comfortable having sex for the first time with a "stranger".


Do I tell him?

And if I do, how do you think he'll react?

- Jake - 04-28-2014 02:45 AM

It's kind if a shame to heard that your first time may be more special to the guy then you, they generally prize virgins. Some sheik might be willing to pay big money for the experience, since you don't care who anyway.