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How long does it take to get out of the google sandpit? - Printable Version

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How long does it take to get out of the google sandpit? - RRamjet - 04-28-2014 02:41 AM

One of my websites which sells natural makeup got added to a dodgy back link site which saw my back links go from 40 to over 400 in a couple of days. They were all from an oil site which has nothing to do with makeup obviously. As soon as I found out I contacted the site owner who ended up being an SEO company. They never contacted me back but they did kill the site and in-turn the links. 3 months later they are all finally gone from the yahoo site explorer cache.
So my question now is how long can I expect before Google ranks me again?

- MFWebServices - 04-28-2014 02:50 AM

Actually, oil has a lot do with makeup. Oil is used in, or with, just about every product we use, which most people really don't understand how much we need and use oil for every day things.

Google penalizes black hat seo tactics quickly, and is very slow to redeem.

Your best bet is to get yourself a webmaster tools account, add your domain to your account, and request that Google re-evaluate it, and add it to their index again. Link to register an account is below.​view%3Fhl%3Den&hl=en&service=sitemaps

- scrawnypan551 - 04-28-2014 02:59 AM

THe next google crawl between 3 days and a week