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My brother doesn't respect my privacy? - Printable Version

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My brother doesn't respect my privacy? - Ashely Corner - 04-28-2014 02:42 AM

I respect his privacy. I rarely go in his room, I don't mess with his phone, I leave his friends alone, etc. It's the opposite for him. He always goes in my room, lays on my bed, and starts telling me a long story while going through my stuff. He always messes with my phone. One time I asked him to charge my phone while I was in the shower. He ended up texting my friend (pretending to me be) asking why he wasn't invited to a party. One time I left my computer open while I was chatting with my friend and he took my computer and started saying "I'm watching you" to my friend. It was someone I didn't know very well so it freaked them out. Just recently he took my phone and started texting one of my friends sending creepy messages. He does it just because he can. He got a facebook recently. He has been adding a bunch of my friends he doesn't know. They say he creeps them out. He randomly sends them messages informing them that he just took a shower or used the bathroom. He's not doing it to try to be funny. He has been talking to my friends on skype and oovoo too. I need my own friends. Since he got facebook it's like my stuff is his stuff. One time he had friends over and let his friends go in my room, break stuff, go through my bra drawer, and make a mess. This morning I was looking at my facebook wall and saw that he had gotten on my facebook account and added people I don't like. I left my computer open to go clean the kitchen for 10 minutes.

I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried keeping my stuff close to me but he always finds a way to get my stuff or go in my room. Anytime I go in his room he yells at me, yet he will come in my room, lay in my bed, and go through my stuff. Help? He doesn't have any mental disorders. I've tried talking to him about it but he acts like he has no idea what I'm talking about. He is a horrible liar. I know when he's lying. He gets a look on his face like he's trying hard to be serious and his voice changes. Sometimes he won't look at me or he will change the subject really fast. Help? He's a year younger than me. If I don't include him in everything I do with my friends, he goes crying to my mom and makes up a story that I yelled at him and hit him. She ends up believing him and I get grounded. Then he gets to go hang out with my friends even if they tell him that they don't want to hang out with him.

- zealousstraw134 - 04-28-2014 02:44 AM

All this text you have wrote, repeat it yo your mum or dad. Then go punch his face as hard as you can and tell him he aint got shit on you, and your a own woman, tell him hes a freak an he hasnt got mates and hes to bothered about your life than his. Hes immature and is very abnormal

- blhxd - 04-28-2014 02:45 AM

How about telling your parents about this? Or how about recording him when he's doing one of those. He's younger than you, he should respect you..

- Diane B - 04-28-2014 02:51 AM

He's acting like a child so treat him like a child. Put a pin code on your messages so he cant text anyone or read your messages. Ask your parents if you can get a lock for your bedroom door and keep it locked when you're not in there, or don't want him to come in. Be civil with him, don't shout or anything, but don't go out of your way to be nice to him because he doesn't deserve it.

- Nicole B - 04-28-2014 03:00 AM

Tell your mom or dad and lock your door and window, and have a key that only you will have. Also, put a lock on your phone w/ a code that only you know also...get your own user on your computer w/ a different code than the one on your phone so he can't get into your user.

- Pearl L - 04-28-2014 03:07 AM

maybe you should move out

- Jen - 04-28-2014 03:13 AM

This brings back memories of growing up with my own nosy little brother. It really is strange when you don't care what's happening behind his bedroom's closed door, but they feel like they need total access to everything you do, the people you socialize with, etc.

Little brothers are nosy, curious, socially awkward human beings. Since you have zero control over his roller coaster journey of bad choices through puberty, all you can do is take advantage of every privacy setting available to you.

Require a password to get into your phone and to log onto your computer. Yes, it's an extra step to getting access to your own information when YOU want to, but think of this as being similar to parking your car in a neighborhood where it's been stolen before. You wouldn't leave the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked, would you?

I know you probably want to keep your chats open when you leave your computer just for a few minutes, but you can CTL ALT Delete to lock your computer without closing out all of your programs altogether. Everything will be there waiting when you come back.

You can hide everything your brother sees about you on FB via the privacy settings. Facebook does allow you to hide information by user, so anyone else in your life will still see the information, but he won't. He won't even be able to see your friends if you do that.

I realize you can't password-protect access to your bedroom, but if he and his friends are rifling through your drawers it's completely appropriate to have a discussion with your parents about it. I'm sure it's maddening, but try to keep your cool when you talk to your mom and dad. Just say, "I've asked him not to do this, he won't listen. Will you please talk to him?"

- Allie - 04-28-2014 03:14 AM