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acting like i did in middle school? - Printable Version

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acting like i did in middle school? - largeholiday766 - 04-28-2014 02:45 AM

im a sophomore in high school. in middle school i used to be super (even diagnosably) socially akward. It was bad, i couldnt even friend any girls in my class on fb hahahha. but it switched schools in 9th grade (my school ended in 8th) and was much less akward. I finally got loads of friends, and even a gf. but then i had to switch schools again (my family moved out east). I blossomed at my new school. I made so many more friends, picked up some new hobbies, and was having a great time. Unfortunately, some of those new hobbies got me suspended for a week. i have been and still am grounded since about a month after that. i only see anyone at school, and cant hang out with anyone outside of that capacity. i havent gotten with anyone or hung out with a chick in over a month. i find myself getting progressively more akward and nervous at school. im getting more and more like my middle school self. whats happening?
@Will i would if the school wasnt piss testing me now ahahaha

- Will - 04-28-2014 02:52 AM

Just smoke more weed.
EDIT: that totally sucks. When you start hanging out with other people you will become less socially awkward and shy. It's normal. I went to an alternative school for a year and once I came back I was like you. But after 2 weeks I was fine. Once you get un grounded everything should be back to normal.
PS. This should help you pass a piss test: