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FB status are always full of misery and bitterness? - Printable Version

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FB status are always full of misery and bitterness? - shears - 04-28-2014 02:45 AM

Why do other folks put fb status updates with sour graping and hatred & bitterness?
This woman updates her status at least twice or thrice a day with quotes she borrowed elsewhere about bitterness in her life/friendship etc. Why is she very sensitive? BTW, She's very IDLE. She isnt working, not in school, not busy at all. Is this gal needing help or what? Is it a sign of depression? Idleness indeed is the devils workshop huh..tsk tsk tsk.
It only makes her sound stupid & whiney. What must I do? Be nice with all your replies. Thanks

- S0methingcreative - 04-28-2014 02:47 AM

She sounds like she's looking for support. Take her out to dinner or somewhere sometime, she'd appreciate it.

- brigitte - 04-28-2014 02:48 AM

It's a cry for help. If you were a true friend you would ask what's wrong and try to bring her out of her misery.

- Arrogantcoil645 - 04-28-2014 02:57 AM

For most people, Facebook is the only forum in which they can let their associates (friends and family) know what mood they're in. When you talk to someone, they ask "how are you" - well, no one has to ask this woman. It probably makes her feel better to air out her emotions in that setting - than say - a journal. I personally believe it's in bad taste to write how you're feeling for all your friends to see on some networking site. Instead, I talk on the phone with my family or write it in a journal so that I can get it out without people prodding me "why" and "what's wrong".
Also, this woman wants attention and she wants ppl to feel bad for her. If she isn't working, then she should be looking for a job, then she might not be depressed and bitter. She does sound winy - but it makes her feel like at least SOMEONE knows what's going on with her - and obviously she has no one to physically spend time with to talk to face to face.
You might want to put a status up "Be grateful you wake up every day - because every day is a chance to be a new and exciting you!" Instill some positive on FB and others will get infected - there is too much BS on there about people complaining. Even if life is horrible, be glad you woke up to face another day and try to make the best of things.

- darlarae - 04-28-2014 03:02 AM

Sounds like she's not a happy person. Why don't you use humor with her to try to make her see things aren't so bad. I do that with people. Her: This is the worst possible day ever! You: Now, how can you say that silly you have not lived all your days yet? Or, really, I'm thinking next week is gonna be pretty bad too. LOL There's not much you can do other than try to cheer her up. Some people enjoy misery as sad as it is. I have people in my life like that. If I can't cheer them up, I change the subject or say gotta run.

- Maylu - 04-28-2014 03:03 AM

well it could be one of 2 things she might be in need of some help and she doesnt have any so she puts that stuff on so someone can notice and offer help to her or she could just be doing that to get attention and for pple to be sorry for her..if its the 1st reason u can help her out comfort her and ask whats wrong and do the best u can to make hings better but if's the 2nd reason just let her be she just whants attention from pple and not worth helping