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I met a girl 5 days ago online. Today she said she wants to marry me? - Printable Version

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I met a girl 5 days ago online. Today she said she wants to marry me? - loudCommander056 - 04-28-2014 02:47 AM

I hardly know her and haven't even met her in person. Also I'm not ready for marriage yet. I don't even know how she looks like (though saw a few old photos of her on fb). Yesterday she suddenly proposed to me on phone out of nowhere. I told her I need time. What should I do? She seems okay looking but that's not what matters most!

- Megan - 04-28-2014 02:57 AM

Have you ever seen the show catfish?

- barthebear - 04-28-2014 03:04 AM

Just stop communicating with her as she does not sound stable.

- Rosalie - 04-28-2014 03:14 AM

Block her number on your phone, and block her on your email and FB and anywhere else. Something's wrong there, and you don't want to be involved- don't bother discussing anything further.

If she tries to get in touch with you again, report her to police.
It's either a scam or there's something off with her. Normal just don't do that. You don't owe her any explanation.

- justagirl - 04-28-2014 03:21 AM

Stop talking to her and block her. Something is not right in her head.