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I need help with windows 8.1? - Printable Version

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I need help with windows 8.1? - computernorcal - 04-28-2014 02:48 AM

I recently purchased an HP pavillion 2000 Laptop and it initially came with Windows 8. And shortly afterwards I was informed that I could update to Windows 8.1 which I did. I also made sure it did all the updates and updated the drivers on it. My biggest problem is it takes an eternity to shut down when I go to shut down for the night. I've already disabled a crapload of start up programs and I've also tried going in to the task manager and ending task with as many running processes as I can without disabling a needed windows process, and yet it takes about 5 to 7 minutes to fully turn off the laptop. I have also done the online tricks to tweak registry settings and still it takes forever to shut down. So can anyone tell me any new tricks to make this machine shut down faster short of holding the power button until it shuts down? Also I use the google chrome browser and I delete all history before closing it down, and also I do this when first turning the laptop on for the day and closing it down I open the run box and type %temp% and empty that folder and the recycle bin both times, and I have tune up utilities 2014 which I religiously run before I shut down for the night. I have used CC cleaner in the past, but I never noticed any difference of what that did that tune up utilities did. So also any tips how to fully clean and maintain windows 8.1 would be highly appreciated also
Muhammad I'm a computer hardware tech. So why would I take it to a computer store? And if you look above you can see that I did clean up all the unnecessary files. I'm just looking to find a fast way to get windows 8.1 to shut down as fast as possible and not have it take forever to shut down

- Muhammad - 04-28-2014 02:54 AM

Have you considered uninstalling un-necessary programs, and if yes then u should clean out un-necessary files from your Hard-Drive and if it still doesn't help then take it to where u bought it from or a computer store maybe that can help!!