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How significant is it to be at the top of a Google search in less than a month? And a few more SEO questions..? - Printable Version

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How significant is it to be at the top of a Google search in less than a month? And a few more SEO questions..? - Cat - 04-28-2014 02:49 AM

I have an Ebay store, and although I am just starting to learn SEO the store is already coming up in Google searches (even without using quotes) in less than a month. I know from my research this seems really quick. Am I correct? (It's not an unusal name at all, and I would share it, but after asking a variation of this question yesterday and including the name, it was already coming up third in a search with the first two being my store so I've since deleted it.)

What do I need to do to capitalize on my ranking? (As an FYI, I sell women and girl's upscale brands of gently used clothing.)

I own the domain name as well and plan on building a site so should this also help my site?

I'm researching keywords and phrases pertaining to my store, and I get the concept of implementing these organically, but just to double check, does this mean, for example, I should work in these various phrases on the home page plus my item titles and descriptions?

And I assume I should establish my categories using them too? For example, GoogleAdWords shows that "Dresses for Women" is searched for 1,000,000 times in the US per month so this tells me that would be a good category name, and I should also try to use it on my pages that feature dresses for women, correct?

Thanks in advance for any insight!
I meant to clarify that my store comes up in the top 2 spots both with and without quotes when searching the store name on Google.

- Shaolin-Seo - 04-28-2014 02:57 AM

What ranking tool or software are you using to check if you're coming up top-2 in Google? What are the keyphrases? You need to make sure you're signed out of Google accounts and use the following Google URL to check a depersonalized search:

You could also use that in the Incognito Mode (CTRL+Shift+N on a PC, Command+Shift+N in a Mac) If you're not doing this, then Google is just giving you the top searches based on your history.

Your keywords need to reflect the ranking page. Too often people point all their keywords to the home page which does nothing for an eCommerce site. If you're an eBay store and want to rank for 'Used Warrior Hockey Gloves', there's no point driving the traffic or optimizing the home page for these terms.

You need to check your actual ranking (try the Rank Checker plugin for Firefox) and the true competition to see whether or not that specific keyword/phrase is right to attack. Sometimes you may need to find variations and longer-tail keywords to show any movement.

To find true competition, google this:

allintitle:"your keywords here"

The results will pull up all URLs with that keyword (in quotes) in the Title Tag. From there, you can check the KEI to get another layer of information.

- Hal Smith - 04-28-2014 03:02 AM

You will probably need to prefigure the keywords you are putting efforts on. One month seems not enough time for this kind of result.

Hal Smith
URLdreamer Consultant

- zhang - 04-28-2014 03:03 AM

n our SEO researches we often face with situations when websites with lower number of backlinks have much better rankings on Google than sites with much higher number of links. And the same frequently happens with our customers, who outrank their competition by acquiring quite little number of backlinks with us, comparing to what their competitors have. We were conducting competition research for one of our customers and found an amazing example that we wanted to share with you. We found a website with only 34 backlinks for keyword ‘bad credit loans‘ that had much better rankings on Google than 2 his competitors with 1,080 and 5,081 backlinks for the same keyword!

- Maria - 04-28-2014 03:13 AM

One month does not seems sufficient to get the results in first page of google. You also need to check your keywords if they are enough searchable by people. Also broad match keyword would not help if you are targeting a particular area. Keyword phrase selection plays an important role for a business. "Dresses for Women" is a broad category of your products. But what exactly you are selling matters, to get the quality traffic to your website.

- Pavol - 04-28-2014 03:21 AM

Is it possible to arrange for my Company Profile to be on the first page of Google / Bing / Yahoo / Baidu search results?

Yes, most business websites are static and support only one or two languages. Your Company Profile, on the other hand, will be available in 55 languages, which means it will have a higher ranking with both local and global search engines (multi lingual optimized). The Global Catalog internet platform is built with Optimized Page Title Tag, Meta Descriptions, Keywords (categories) in 55 languages and other special methods to ensure maximum traffic.