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Could a Microsoft security update make my computer run slowly? - Printable Version

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Could a Microsoft security update make my computer run slowly? - GypsyCatt - 04-28-2014 02:50 AM

I have a Compaq laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium and dial-up which, of course, runs slowly, but, about a week ago, my connection started to take almost five minutes just to connect to my Firefox browser. My Yahoo had been running slowly and glitching and now it was even worse.

I tried downloading a new security program, but that didn't help. I didn't add any new programs before this and the only thing I can think of is that there was an automatic Microsoft security update right before this started to happen. Could that be what is making my internet connection start-up run so slowly? If not, what could be doing it?

Thank you.
Let me restate that my computer is not running slowly, it is the internet connection. Also, I have dial-up and so cannot view any videos. This frustrating state of extreme slowness began at a definite time; one day it was slow but not bad, the next it was mired. Yahoo is the worst.

- D - 04-28-2014 02:56 AM

An update could potentially make something run slower. But I doubt it's the problem. Could be a wide range of things.

Internet running slowly is based on a few things.
Processing speed

- Mike S - 04-28-2014 03:01 AM

Microsoft updates will not make the computer start to run slower...however uneeded start-up programs and junk on the computer like temp files and temp windows files will accumulate and slow the computer down...

Download and Run CC Cleaner.....below is a link to the free download and also a video I made on how to set the settings and run it...

My video on youtube on how to use CC Cleaner.