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how to gwet a internet connection on a downstairs computer with either modem or router? - Printable Version

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how to gwet a internet connection on a downstairs computer with either modem or router? - Andrew S - 04-28-2014 02:51 AM

i have tried to get a internet connection on a downstairs comp for months please help

- kindthrone593 - 04-28-2014 02:56 AM

you cant you have to have internet connection which is a ethernet connection with a modem...

- Rainman - 04-28-2014 02:56 AM

The easiest way is to use a wireless network. What kind of internet connection is on the upstairs computer(s)? If it is DSL or cable, you can usually install a wireless router, plug it into the cable or DSL modem, plug the upstairs computer into the router. You then would have to install a wireless adapter in the downstairs computer. Many newer computers have built-in wireless so you would just have to configure it.

There are lots of different wireless routers. Get one that is 802.11b/g/n or just b/g (cheaper). Make sure your computer wireless adapter is the same specification.

If the upstairs computer uses a modem and dials a phone number for the internet connection, wireless can still work, but the connection upstairs will need to be running and configured to share with computers on the house network. This method gives a slow connection speed, but I guess anything is better than nothing.

- court - 04-28-2014 02:58 AM

Need more info to help. I take it you have some sort of internet connection, right? Is it wired or wireless? What type of computer are you trying to connect? What type of connection does it have?

- WO LEE - 04-28-2014 03:05 AM

if you intend to have a wireless connection , you need to have a desktop/laptop WI - FI capable if not a hard wired connection. the rest is a simple LAN software set up; naming each computer a specific network name, then edit the "share" option of every device available in the network ( printer, storage etc..)...

Recent Operating systems ( windows and the like) made it very easy to create a shared network..

Yes You need a router to share interconnected resources Plus the modem to share Internet connection.

When you buy a router ( Wireless or Hardwired alike) you get the direction how to set up... make sure to use a keyed connection ( password) as many ROUTER first time users overlook the importance of a secured connection allowing strangers leech on your connection and possibly maliciously breach your privacy.

Good luck.