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can i share my dial up internet connection? - Printable Version

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can i share my dial up internet connection? - darkangel349 - 04-28-2014 02:53 AM

can i share my dialup internet connection through my belkin n wireless router to my ipod trouch 2nd gen and my nintendo wii? i dont care how slow it is i jujst wanted to know how could i do this.

- texasogre - 04-28-2014 03:02 AM

Assuming that your computer has an ethernet connection, you could use an ethernet cable between the router's WAN or Internet port and the computer's ethernet port.

You would then assign a static IP address to the WAN side of the router and to the NIC in the computer. Make sure the IP addresses are within the same subnet, and use the computer's IP address for the default gateway on the router.

You'll then share the dial up internet connection to the ethernet connection so that you can access the internet via the router.

I've done a similar setup with an ISDN line.

- Naveen G - 04-28-2014 03:02 AM

Well I hope you have Ethernet as well, because dial-up uses the phone line (RJ-11) while Ethernet ports are RJ-45. Wireless routers take only Ethernet connections in their ports.