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Should I trust my Boyfriend's ex's intentions? - Printable Version

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Should I trust my Boyfriend's ex's intentions? - calamityjen_86 - 04-28-2014 02:57 AM

I recently got into a relationship with a wonderful man three months ago, but from the beginning I have known that his ex (who I dont know) would call him once a month on his payday to bug him for money, which he would always say no to and to leave him alone. I figured that was his issue to deal with and he had blocked her number and her facebook. So I didnt make a big deal out.A month ago she found out that he's with me and I heard through some mutual friends that she's been saying that he downgraded. I ignored it because I knew she's being insecure and jealous. Well, just a week ago I found out she had been going through my facebook pictures and she decided to tag her best friend who I don't know into a photo of my boyfriend and me on my profile. I was concerned so told my boyfriend about it and left it alone after that. A few days ago I was over at my boyfriends house and she texted him from a different number. Instead of it being the usual nasty "I want money" texts she was being on her best behavior and having a real conversation with him and then asks him to unblock her from facebook. I told him to wait a few more conversations before doing so and sarcastically told him to ask why she would tag my fb photos. The next day I log into facebook and realize that he unblocked and added her. I trust him completely but there is something not right. I trust him, but I don't trust her intentions. How do I address my concerns without coming off as insecure? Serious answers please!
Some background info it helps at all. I am 27 years old and he is 25. I dont think there is anything going on and I don't wanna be the kind of girlfriend that says, "No you cant talk to her" but I dont want her stirring up trouble either and trying to get him back.

- Jane - 04-28-2014 03:07 AM

Why have a Facebook?

- Jay - 04-28-2014 03:15 AM

She's just being insecure and jealous and probably wants your boyfriend back now that she sees he's moving on. Why is this your problem - it's up to him to say yes or no to this.

- Imagine - 04-28-2014 03:19 AM

Sorry, but he must have some feelings for her if he puts up with that crap from her. It appears he has problems with priorities...yours vs. HERS. Either that or he is a "pushover" and easily manipulated by her, not good characteristics for a BF. I would clamp down my FB privacy settings. Tell your "mutual friends" that u are NOT interested in her opinion about anything.

- Fatpaca - 04-28-2014 03:22 AM

Listen do you have a ex that texts u and ask u for money? Then trying to come and be nice.. she is up to something and she may want him back. You need to talk to him and tell him that you dont mind him talking to girls you just dont him to speaking to his ex.. he shouldn't mind if you told him that shes a ex for a reason me ppersonally dont allow my man to talk to his exes or any1 he had sexual relations with..

- Hushes - 04-28-2014 03:26 AM

Hmmm ...why did he block her in the first place? The best thing to do is assess your feelings. It's a new relationship. Do you feel comfortable in it? Do you trust your lover? Whenever you don't feel comfortable, have a sit down conversation with your lover and tell him exactly how you feel. Don't worry about what his ex-girlfriend is doing. Like the whole tagging thing, drop it. Just focus on you, your wants and needs and leave the noise at the door. The two of you are in a relationship and no one else can interfere with that unless one of you allows it.

One more thing ...never be afraid to say EXACTLY what is on your mind. So what if you "look" insecure? No one is perfect. We make mistakes and look silly in the process. If we can't flesh out our feelings with our family, friends and lovers than what's the point? Besides you and anyone who is paying attention knows that you are not insecure. Asking tough questions about his past relationships doesn't make you insecure. Just makes you thorough :-)