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Have anyone ever had a tarot reading and that finally come true? - Printable Version

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Have anyone ever had a tarot reading and that finally come true? - Skywalker - 04-28-2014 03:00 AM

I asked the same question to totally four tarot readers.
They all gave me the same answers, although there's something small are different.

My question is that if I could develop a relationship with that guy (I lost contact with him for over 1 year...only Facebook.) this year.
Those tarot readers gave me the answer was "yes" and a very big chance.

But they said the same thing is that, I would meet him in June or something...but that still haven't happened yet so I feel quite uncomfortable.

So...I'm wondering ...have anyone ever had a tarot reading and that come true? ?_?

- ♥Makesh♥ - 04-28-2014 03:02 AM


I practice mantras.
I have had ghost contact with a hot looking model ...
its true... sometimes your luck comes to be real...

it is so cool. try indian meditation . i practice the bhuddist mantra thAt is like talking to others with your eyes...

take care..

- S☼L - 04-28-2014 03:08 AM

Well, it is only March. A lot can happen between now and June - and you might get a surprise.

Tarot is a very handy tool to "sort your tendencies" and make you work in a favourable direction. If four different readers independently of each other gave you similar-to-identical readings, then that is your tendency, that is your direction. That's where you are heading unless you really really don't want to.

Tarot readings work if you on all levels work in the same direction as the result of the reading. Sometimes you might not really want certain things to happen, and then you will consciously or subconsciously work for it not to happen, and you might avoid it, but if *those* are the tendencies, *that* will be your approximate direction regardless, and it will more or less happen as predicted.

Good readers read more than the cards, and they might not even be aware of it. They read your voice, your choice of words, your body language, you clothing, and so on - basically everything you are showing the reader works like input for a more correct reading.

Just remember that the word "relationship" doesn't always mean two people romatically and/or sexually involved with each other.

- Max Cruise - 04-28-2014 03:12 AM

Never had a reading and never will
Tarot is bogus and fake.
No way can randomly dealt cards predict the future nor comment on the present. Just not possible.
If cards are so powerful, if you shuffled and dealt a spread to ask a question, one should be able to re-shuffle and ask same question and the same cards should appear for the spread. You and I know that is not possible. Question hasn't changed, but cards will change after every shuffle. That alone is a good enough reason not to put any faith in tarot cards.

- Miss 6 - 04-28-2014 03:21 AM

Max Cruise - I just want you to know that that there are many different ways to get the same answer to the same question with different cards. You can ask over and over again shuffle your heart out get different cards but the same conclusion. & sometimes you can shuffle your heart out and get the same card as well. Its cool you're not into Tarot and think its fake I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just saying your logic is flawed due to no true knowledge on the subject.
Now to answer you question hun -
Its March they said June so no need to be worried about all this. They gave you some insight to help CALM you down but you're still worried about it. Just stop worrying about stop thinking about it. Be happy they were able to give you the insight on a second chance and go about your life. When the summer hits hopefully you'll be able to execute your plan.
I can only tell you from my personal experience as a reader – I tell everyone to take all readings with a grain of salt. We have free will and things can change or play out differently from what we expected when reading the cards. You had 4 different readers tell you that YES you will get a second chance I think you should take that as your answer. In the meantime just take care of your life as you normally would don't not talk to new guys or don't go out because you're waiting for June. Just go and take care of your business enjoy your life and when it happens it will happen. Don't look for it don't wait for it just live your life because its so far off into the future you're wasting your energy worried over it and that's not healthy.

- JL - 04-28-2014 03:26 AM

I had a reading done concerning my failing business. The reading told me to dance in the rain. So I'm like, WTF? But I did it and discovered my trees were not getting watered properly due to moss that was shedding the water before it could soak in and water my trees. I cleaned out the moss and saved 80% of the trees.

Tarot readings show possibilities. You still have to work toward your goals.