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We talk through fb but not face to face at school? - Printable Version

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We talk through fb but not face to face at school? - greatstation881 - 04-28-2014 03:03 AM

Ok so I'm old fashioned and I believe the guy should approach the girl. So there's this guy whose in my bio class approached me first we talked for a bit but then I added him on fb and he began messaging me. We really got into conversation when he messaged me on fb but at school we just smile and wave at each other and we just don't talk. I'm starting to like this guy but I'm not digging this whole talk on fb thing and not to my face. What do I do?

- Gracelyn - 04-28-2014 03:08 AM

Tell him through FB but fire up a convo at school

- Tj - 04-28-2014 03:12 AM

ohgawd im in the same problem except the girl i like got with a guy so all i can say is talk to him at school DO IT dont wait he might find some girl to go out with so hurry on and talk to him on monday or somn BUT JUST DONT WAIT sucks for me im to late Sad oh well haha anyways just have fun with it dont take it to serious because its only talking to someone i mean what can possibly go wrong in before he gets a gf so hurry on and talk to him go go go

- Jaysha - 04-28-2014 03:13 AM

Most relationship usually start with messaging fb or text. But if you don't see him or talk to him face to face, it wont develop into something more. Since he's in your class, try to talk to him in that time. Do you guys have any similar activites or interest? If so, use it as an excuse to see him in. Good luck with everything, hope this works out for you!

- Sydney - 04-28-2014 03:21 AM

I know that it may seem scary for girls to approach the guy first and that "the guy should approach the girl," but in your case I would approach him. Let him know that you care. Guys like girls with confidence. Go right up to him and make a move, get the connection flowing! Everything will be okay Smile