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good programs to download to remove adware on my computer? - Printable Version

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good programs to download to remove adware on my computer? - Amazingbead432 - 04-28-2014 03:09 AM

I have windows 8, and please post links on where i can safely download them. thank you

- Zidane - 04-28-2014 03:15 AM

Kapersky is a great place to get virus, adware, and malware removal tools. Get the one labeled "Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool."
You can look through other ones but you prob won't want them. Download that and install it. Run it and it will take off some stuff. Also another way is looking at your actual program list and seeing which programs don't seem familiar or useful. Google what the program is and uninstall it if its some ad-looking thing.

Now, go to your web browser (most likely chrome) and go to extensions and disable all extensions that ARN'T familiar.

Go to some of your favorite websites and check to see if there is any type of ads. If there STILL is then just get this app from the chrome store:
Add it to chrome and you won't see ads ever again.
hope it helped