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Sign my petition please?!? - Printable Version

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Sign my petition please?!? - wittyplayground679 - 04-28-2014 03:18 AM

Please sign my petition so it'll go public?

- lare - 04-28-2014 03:27 AM

federal form I-9 has to be completed before a company can legally hire, so the petition is poorly argued. if what you want is to prohibit submitting a SSAN by an unsecure internet connection, then say so. but the employer is required by law to have immigration status confirmed before hiring. even the federal government requires the SSAN when accessing Social Security, Medicare and IRS sites. such connections are secure, and some employer sites are secure as well, but i agree, a few are not. understand that it is not uncommon for an employer to ask questions before hiring that they have no legal right to know, and it is up to the interviewee to decide whether to answer. i don't see your petition changing that dynamic one bit.