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Blacklight Retribution it keeps disconnecting me ?!? - Printable Version

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Blacklight Retribution it keeps disconnecting me ?!? - giganticflock948 - 04-28-2014 03:20 AM

So a week ago i got disconnected("you have been disconnected bla bla bla" message) and it kept happening. I dont think its me cuz i got a strong internet connection. I cant play it i get to the end of the match and BAM disconnected WTF??? and i think its not giving me any XP/GP when i get disconnected.I really try to get good amount of points on Siege cuz it gives you good amount of XP/GP but keeps disconnecting me before the match ends.
ow and btw is there a way to block a server from showing up on search ? cuz i got banned temporary for being good at the game...

- taite - 04-28-2014 03:25 AM

Are you playing it on PC or the beta on PS4? If it's on Ps4 then it's just beta problems