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How to get traffic/buyers to my website? - Printable Version

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How to get traffic/buyers to my website? - AutoFace 2.4 - 04-28-2014 03:22 AM

i want to start my own online business website, however from reading forums and other sources online, it seems the common problem with people trying to start an online business is getting people to actually find their website and click on it, with the massive database of websites within googles search engine, i could understand how ones website can become lost in the infinite world of cyberspace. So just how does one become get their website noticed? get clicks? get buyers? im a complete beginner on this subject of e-commerce however im quite good at finding what products are in demand, which is why i want to create an online website in the first place where i can reach more people. Does anyone have experience in this field? what are the necessary steps of creating and promoting a website? any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

- Albert - 04-28-2014 03:25 AM

From seo's point of view, you need to build backlinks in forum signature, blogroll, press release and get it social. If you have enough money, think about PPC - faster traffic, more clicks and money!

- Jake - 04-28-2014 03:30 AM

Using a marketplace like Amazon or Ebay can help bring you ready made traffic that may be worth the fees.

Otherwise you can take months to develop search engine ranking in order to get limited "free" traffic, or use paid advertising to bring in visitors overnight, paid traffic makes for a more scalable business, but you have to carefully optimize the ads and site conversion in order to make it profitable.

One primer by an SEO authority:

- Alex M. - 04-28-2014 03:37 AM

Hang on little bit on the traffic. If you want to learn stay away from online sources as much you can. Don't get me wrong on this. As a beginner you need one source on one topic. Easily you will get overwhelmed.

I believe your goal is to stay sharp and focused on one thing at the time.

Stay away from shiny objects, pick up one book and start from there.

Best place for you: your local library and Barnes n nobles.

85% stuff are available for you and best of all are free.

Good Luck!

- Patrick - 04-28-2014 03:44 AM

Hi AutoFace 2.4

Driving traffic into website is a hard job, it involves SEO, CPC, PR, Marketing. So to do this you can either do everything by yourself for FREE (but ask yourself this question: how much time would I have to devote to, instead of selling product like your business should), how about accounting, logistic, buying products, listing products, shipping products. Do you have time to work on driving traffic on top of that? Paying for advertising or CPC is just telling your would be customers that you are just one of millions of commerce site out there. What so special about your site?

My company M Collaboration Group ( provide a hybrid services of PR + SEO + Video & Podcast + BackLinks creating your expertness and authority in the field and in your region or market. Driving potential client traffic into your site.

PR & SEO @ut-of-the-Boxâ„¢ is not a software nor non-result oriented services. We work with you in person, over-the-phone providing an easy 10 Steps process to drive the right traffic with high conversion into revenue for your commerce site. Currently we are offering a promotional package of $699 (regularly $799) for a month. This will provide you 1 professionally written SEO optimized press release + 1 editorial or byline + 5 targeted market/region + 1 podcast which can be interview by expert or company overview. We can work one month at a time or as long as you like.

Plus our guarantee is simple. if we do not follow our 10 steps process and did not provide you with detail report of our services, you get a refund (100%). Check out the 10 steps at

- Feriom - 04-28-2014 03:45 AM

Hey there, Ways to getting more traffic to websites are increasing as new promoting platforms are created. So search on Google, yahoo as new promotional techniques to get visitors. I searched this query and got one eBook site about some new ways of getting traffic. I have put the website link in the below source. I thought it will be helpful for you.