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Why am I upset about my doc telling me I am not pregnant even though I was so eager to hear that very answer? - Printable Version

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Why am I upset about my doc telling me I am not pregnant even though I was so eager to hear that very answer? - Masterfather998 - 04-28-2014 03:26 AM

I have been stressing with the idea that I may be pregnant this whole week. It was the last thing we needed due to a potential medical problem I may have. I was shaking waiting for the call back on my blood test and it was negative. Awesome...or is it?
Why do I all of a sudden out of no where feel sad to hear this answer??? I have been so focused on this all week and have barely gotten my mind off of it and now that I should go back to my day to day routines I can't! I feel really down I've never felt this way about anything!
I know that was the best answer and I thank God that I am not pregnant because like I said this isn't the time in our lives but I can't help but feel disappointed. What is wrong with me! How can I move on from this. I have been starring at all of my Facebook friends pictures who are pregnant or just had babies with tears in my eyes and I'm thinking to myself you are psycho right now! I am very happy for all these women but part of me wants to be them. Has anyone every felt these contradictory emotion?
Let me add that I do already have one child who is a toddler.

- Mark - 04-28-2014 03:27 AM

Idk but I would be thrilled just thing of the positive. You don't have too raise a baby you can live your life and have free years to do whatever you please. Think of the good.

- Jinger - 04-28-2014 03:28 AM

Because part of you misses not having a baby and going through a "normal" pregnancy.

- Reem - 04-28-2014 03:33 AM

because deep down you wanted to..