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Google Chrome Isnt Loading flash videos? - Printable Version

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Google Chrome Isnt Loading flash videos? - Aaron - 04-28-2014 03:27 AM

Hi, im trying to watch some videos on and google chrome wont load the video at all... the spot where the video is supposed to be is just blank. If i go on firefox it works just fine. chrome is able to load youtube videos fine to. I went to adobes site and it says Im up to date with the software. any help please?
because chrome is a hell of alot faster.

- smash - 04-28-2014 03:29 AM

Why are you using google chrome to begin with when Firefox works perfectly well? Google chrome sucks period.

- lisa - 04-28-2014 03:35 AM

Your Flash is creating troubles for you.

* Run RegInOut scan for active-x, file associations and other registry errors largely behind such crashes.

* Try to uninstall the current flash player version. Read this official guide to uninstall flash plug-in:

* Use official uninstaller tool to remove all flash elements from your computer.

* After completing the above task download flash player 9 instead of the latest version. Sometimes there are intricate browser flash conflicts and changing the versions is often helpful.

* Update your sound drivers if possible since the videos may simply crash because of the corrupted or missing drivers.

1) Open Device Manager

2) Find the sound-card device

3) Remember the name of the device

4) Uninstall it.

5) After doing this restart your system.