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Should i be worried if my bf added his ex on fb? - Printable Version

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Should i be worried if my bf added his ex on fb? - proudhealth365 - 04-28-2014 03:28 AM

okay we have been together for 3 years and before me he went out with ths girl for a month,she was actually known as a sl*ut in our school cause she went from boy to boy and she cheated on many guys incuding my bf. anyways i was on my bfs fb yesterday and a notfication popped up saying so and so has accepted ur friend request. and so i txted him asking why he would go add her and he was like how she was on his mini feed so he added her. hes like do u want me to delete her? but me being really insecure blew up on him and said a lot of rude things. at first he was like i did such a small thing why r u punishing me for and i still went on with my rude comments. anyways there came a point where he got mad back but i still didnt stop. once he stopped txted i calmed down and i tried to apologze but he was ignoring me and when i called him he shut his phone off on me.. i sent him multipe text messages saying im sorry .what should i do? did i *** up? why would he add his ex on fb? i cnt stop crying. im hurt tht he added her and now he wont even talk to me. i called so many times to fix things and i sent him many texts saying that im sorry and tht i shouldnt have spazzed. but im still angry that he added her.. how can i cope with this please help

- Janet - 04-28-2014 03:32 AM

Yes, its a sign he is thinking about cheating or has already cheated on you.

- Shy Guy - 04-28-2014 03:36 AM

You are acting like a bratty 12 year old girl.

You should have kept your calm and asked him "Do you think adding your ex on facebook makes me like you more?" Do not text him. Then when he asks you out on dates, you say you're busy. He will figure it out. Do this until you see he has deleted her.

But you decided to blow up like a woman who cannot control her anger.

- Kristen - 04-28-2014 03:40 AM

I went through this a couple of weeks ago. Honestly, if you trust him then you have nothing to worry about. It doesn't mean he's planning on cheating on you, or doing anything stupid behind your back. Maybe he just added her, just to add her. It might not have meant anything. Rather than completely flipping out and losing your cool, you could have just questioned him politely about it. But now, just give him some space because he's probably upset at the fact that you can't trust him with an ex on facebook.

- ? - 04-28-2014 03:44 AM

No he is not cheating

- nightshift - 04-28-2014 03:45 AM

WOW talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. He dated her for a month! He isn't interested in sleeping with her. If he is then how does this FB thing make a difference. If he is loyal it won't matter who his friend is on FB. You need to pull your panties up and start acting like you deserve him rather then acting all threatened and scared. Good luck.

- Caroline - 04-28-2014 03:51 AM

My fiance has a couple of his exes on facebook and i don't see a problem with it. They live 9 hours away from where we are right now, but I would trust him even if they were in the same town.

- Jebro - 04-28-2014 03:57 AM

1st give him an anger management ***wjob then ask him nicely why did he do such thing...