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My bestfriend blocked me on Instagram, it's not the first fight we've had lately.? - Printable Version

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My bestfriend blocked me on Instagram, it's not the first fight we've had lately.? - zealouscircle759 - 04-28-2014 03:34 AM

Hi. My best friend, who is also my cousin blocked me on Instagram, after I put up a picture of me and two of my other best friends (we're not as close as me and this girl who blocked me on Instagram) putting up a picture saying "love these girls #bestfriends". This isn't the first fight either, we've had a fight, that I still don't know why she got mad at me she only wouldn't talk to me. She was really annoying and I apologized that time( not knowing what I'm apologizing for) and I don't wanna feel like the bad guy again even though I'm not. The thing is a month before I went to Mexico, and when my baby sister died, she was kind of normal until this point. She is currently on her spring break and out of town and I don't know how to approach her when she gets back. What should I say. My other best friend who was in the picture is telling me that I should ignore her until she apologizes. Ps she didn't block me or unfollow me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pintrest, etc. please help, thanks! Smile

- Maureen - 04-28-2014 03:35 AM

Just talk it out, im sure she is not that mad at yo

- Faith - 04-28-2014 03:38 AM

How old is she? 7? If so, just apologise and tell her she is still your best friend.
If she is older, treat her like a 7 year old nevertheless, and apologize... Unless you no longer want her as a friend, in which case, just ignore her.

Edit: btw, if she's younger than 13, remind her she can't have a facebook account.

- madison - 04-28-2014 03:39 AM

I get it, i totally totally get it. Because I'm having the same issues with my best friend. I'm constantly apologizing for things I didn't do wrong. And maybe you can fix it with some things I wish I would've known. Don't always be the one to apologize or to go to her. I mean, sometimes do it but not every time. If you didn't do anything wrong don't go to her. This just shows her that you'll always be the one who does things and she doesn't have to worry because you'll always be there. I mean that's not a bad thing, but in that sense it's not. They start to think they can get away with things like what you're saying because they know you'll be the one to apologize.. Trust me, I've had many experiences with it. /: just wait it out. Let her be the one to come to you for a change. You find out your real friends. Because if they really care and love you, they'll put in the effort to come to you once they see you're not going to. And the ones who don't will just let you go. And those are the ones you don't need in your life. But.. I hope all goes well for you (: I hope I helped somewhat! Have a good night. Now I gotta settle my own thing with my bestfriend dx wish me luck!