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im not sure if this is an ad? - Printable Version

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im not sure if this is an ad? - LA 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS - 04-28-2014 03:38 AM

but i was watching some porn and i noticed this tab popped up

im using google chrome and it has a safelock next to its name, in there it tells me that ive been charged with storing child porn and stuff and it has my ip address, country, state and location.

it says fbi all over the page

im freaking out because all i was doing is watching porn.

but one thing that makes me doubt its real is that in the middle of the page it has what appears to be pictures of underage people have sex.

the website is police.policeweblab

i cant copy and paste anything from the sight and if i was being charged why would they inform me over the internet?

so is this an ad or..
at the bottom of the page it says moneypak

and use voucher code and crap

but how does it have my ip address, city and state that i live in?

- WRG - 04-28-2014 03:48 AM

I'll bet it asks you to pay some fine as well. It's called Ransomware and it isn't the FBI or any other legit entity doing it.

- mommanuke - 04-28-2014 03:53 AM

Most likely an ad. You don't have to worry as long as you aren't actually watching underage porn. No one notifies a criminal of charges over the internet. It also might be some anti-pornography group spoofing it to try to get you to stop watching porn.

- Inda Cloud - 04-28-2014 03:53 AM

IP address is public info. It's how your isp - and EVERY website you hit, tracks you, it gets written to a log file. You hit an ad - bingo! They have your ip (because it was written to a log file on the server, then a program on the website grabbed the info from the logfile.) Then the ip translates near the city/town you live in.

Cool, huh?

- mynameisearl - 04-28-2014 03:54 AM

That just happened to me.

- Tompoe - 04-28-2014 03:58 AM

how do you close the page? every time i try to close it it says "confirm navigation, your browser was blocked for security reasons yadda yadda yadda"