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how can i optimize my internet connection? - Printable Version

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how can i optimize my internet connection? - Be_CoOl - 04-28-2014 03:40 AM

I have tried the following web browsers:
internet explorer
google chrome
but everything failed. While navigating to some sites especially the site often fails to load.(i.e in firefox the tab renames from yahoo answers to "loading..." then getting stuck up).
So please help me to optimize my internet connection
is there any software available?

- Dream chaser - 04-28-2014 03:44 AM

This should do the trick..

- JR_the_postman - 04-28-2014 03:52 AM

Sounds like you are having more than one problem with your Microsoft operating system, it appears some or several malware infections have altered your operating system...

Have you tried a Linux LiveCD to verify it is your operating system rather than a hardware problem?

I always carry a 32-bit version of Mepis Linux with me when looking at computers experiencing troubles. Over the years have found that Mepis load on most computer systems and will provide an internet connection easily after recycling the modem and router when it does not connect and let me use Konqueror or the Firefox web browser run a speed test at

if it is not a hardware problem with your internet connection this is a last resort before doing a clean install of your operating system and software (please first backup your email addresses, photos, music and video collection).

I am a firm believer in once infected always infected

I'm infected - What do I do now?