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Is my boyfriend dragging me along or am I being a dumb girl? - Printable Version

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Is my boyfriend dragging me along or am I being a dumb girl? - confused - 04-28-2014 03:42 AM

It's been almost 10 months that I've been seeing my boyfriend. I've never been one to care about jealousy and I never had suspicions until he started keeping his phone out of my sight and would answer texts only when I left the room. So I got suspicious. I snooped for the first time in any of my relationships. I caught him talking to other girls on Messenger, dirty bad inappropriate things, and he always keeps his phone hidden and keeps a password on everything now. He just started to be so sneaky. I forgave him when he apologized and moved past it, whatever. Recently I asked him to put his profile as "In a relationship" with me and he says he doesn't want his life on Facebook. He won't talk to me at the end of the day when I really need to talk, and he legit ignores my calls and texts when I need him most and tells me I'm being too nuts! I just want to talk to my boyfriend at the end of the day am I really nuts? What the hell?! I love him but I think I'm being dragged along as a convenient friend with benefits only? What do I do?

- bzzzzzz - 04-28-2014 03:43 AM

I was in the same situation and he is definitely dragging you along just because you are the one there that it is comfortable with and the other girls are just to **** around with and sleep with. You need to dump his ass and find someone else who wants to be with you and solely you it's hard at first but you will feel so much better afterwards

- blahblah - 04-28-2014 03:49 AM

run... run far......... just because he apologized the first time doesnt mean hes stopped, especially if he still hides his passwords from you. he should be open if he loves you.
he shouldnt have a problem putting the relationship on facebook because the majority of people should already know you are together ?? something not right and you need to confront him about it.

- Richard - 04-28-2014 03:57 AM

Coming from a man who has done his dirt in the past. I was 19 doing this to females probably texting 7 girls at one time maybe in a sexual relationship with about 4 of them and I always had that one that thought she was my girlfriend. Now ask yourself is that you? .....leave and don't look back