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Hows Comcasts' 25/5 for streaming to Twitch? - Printable Version

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Hows Comcasts' 25/5 for streaming to Twitch? - Darth Nk808 - 04-28-2014 03:49 AM

Thinking of getting Comcasts Performance (25mbps down, 5up) for streaming. Is it good? What kind of quality would i get? Could i play online while streaming? BTW im upgrading from CenturyLinks 10down 0.7up plan so im upgrading anyway Big Grin Thanks!

- Bill C - 04-28-2014 03:58 AM

I don't have any issues with Comcast Internet service. I cannot remember the last time there was an outage (that wasn't my fault.. d'oh!), and I get the amounts advertised. Well... they are slightly lower during peak hours by about 10%, but I can live with that. Outside of peak hours, it's always a little above.

Since I don't have Cable TV and do a lot of streaming, I got the 50/10 package instead of the 25/5. It has a 350GB data limit instead of the 300MB limit on the lower packages. I've not yet crossed 300GB, but I've gotten close a few months. The penalty for going over is $10 per 50GB. I don't think I really need the extra 25Mb for the higher package, but it's only $10/mo extra so why not for bragging rights, eh?

Buy your own cable modem/router or expect to pay an $8/mo rental fee. You can get some really good equip at places like Best Buy and have it paid for in less than two years. A good investment if you ask me.