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Help I love my best friend's sister?!??!? - Printable Version

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Help I love my best friend's sister?!??!? - littleDesperado893 - 04-28-2014 03:52 AM

Ok so it's not only me and him but our parents knows each other since they were children, so my sisters and he's sisters are also really close friends, and I never really looked my buddy's sister as a girl to date because she was my little sisters best friend and also she is my friends sister but now I'm 16 and she is 15 and looks like she likes me too she always flirt with me and touching me I would of ask her out already but I'm scared what would my family and her family say.. Oh btw her family is really protective she and her sister doesn't even have Facebook and her big sister is 20 year old.. Idk what to do I'm in love with her but I'm also scared of her because maybe she is going to say no because she is scared of her parents.. Can you help me with some advice please? What would YOU do?

- Xat - 04-28-2014 04:00 AM

write her a letter

- v - 04-28-2014 04:05 AM

Who gives a fuck what others think? If you like her, then tell her.

- math - 04-28-2014 04:08 AM

just tel her directly what your feelings are. Or email her if you can't speak. Problem solved