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How long will it take for my twitter to be unsuspended? - Printable Version

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How long will it take for my twitter to be unsuspended? - Luckysummer979 - 04-28-2014 03:57 AM

please tell i just trying to get a follow from some celebrity :/
oh ok well twitter didn't even send me an email saying my account has been suspended, i've sent twitter 2 emails so far, i think i was hashtagging loads that's why i got suspended!! loads of other people said they got unsuspended like in 24-48 hours or 3-5 days or 1-2 weeks :/ plus i can see my account still but its shows that i have no followers and im not following anyone but you can see my sweets still?! :/ and the celebrity is @jaibrook1 :/
haha its okay, i got it back after 2 days anyway Smile

- Amanda - 04-28-2014 04:07 AM

if an account is suspended, it's gone forever. They will suspend you if you follow too many people at once, or unfollow too many people at once. Or if multiple people have blocked/reported you. Email twitter support and tell them that they did it by accident because you were doing nothing wrong. They should unsuspend it. Also, what celebrity? I may be able to DM that celeb for you.

oh from janoskians. sorry i can't help you there :/
yeah they don't tell you they suspended it.
just be patient and wait until they answer.