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Why does she still act this way around me? - Printable Version

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Why does she still act this way around me? - Jaime - 04-28-2014 04:00 AM

So there's this girl who i added on Facebook like 2 years ago. She seems really really nice and friendly. I've met her through my friend and sister a while back which she was really nice but she probably doesn't remember. So i added her on Facebook and she would like my statuses. I guess she thought i was my sister since we look a bit similar. I commented on her photo and said she was pretty and she said thank you. I told my friend who knows her that i thought she was pretty and cute (i had a bit of a crush on her) which my friend i guess asked her if she knew me and she said no. So i guess weeks later, she deletes me on Facebook. I see her at school and she would give me weird looks and sometimes like she wants to kill me. Every time i would see her, she would just give me a look. Whenever i am close by her, she would get move away from the area. I saw her hanging with my group of friends and i was walking to them and she saw me walking towards that area and she said "Got to go k? bye" and hugged one of my friends and left as i came. She STILL does that now after 2 years which it is actually annoying me since i don't know what i did wrong. I have a boyfriend which we've been dating for 7 months now and we hold hands so she should know that i don't have a crush on her or an obsession..she STILL gives me looks and keeps distant from me. Now whenever she is around, i distant myself from her because i can't stand people giving me looks nor do i like making people uncomfortable..
I have anxiety and over think but i'm not sure if it is just in my head or not. We're both bisexual. She has a girlfriend
i always see her staring and i try not to look

- Jason A - 04-28-2014 04:09 AM

Some (rather, a large number of) people are just odd. It's not worth spending the energy to guess among the dozens of possible reasons why she acts the way she does or to worry about it. Just live without giving her any of your attention. You'll be much happier for it.