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How to get over a guy? - Momo :3 - 04-28-2014 04:02 AM

Here it is. I'm going to use fake names: Boy i like=Jake His girlfriend=sarah Jake's friend=Jimmy My 2nd best friend=mary....

Basically I have liked Jake for like 2 years now and a few weeks ago he asked me out, i'm not going to go into it but I have been having some issues so I said no, nicely of course. Jake is my best friend and I care so much about him. Back in primary school I dated a best mate and that ruined everything. I still like Jake but he's dating Sarah now, it's really hard to see them being lovey dovey on facebook and stuff. Now Jake's saying I should go out with Jimmy but I really don't like Jimmy, I like Jake. Months ago Jake also went out with my 2nd best friend Sarah. She's now developing feelings for him too. What do I do?! I want to get over him because we flirt a lot and i'd hate for me to get in the way of his relationship with Sarah. I'd hope Sarah would do the same because Jake seems really happy now... ??? xxxxxx

- TNicki - 04-28-2014 04:09 AM

Surround yourself with people who love, appreciate, and support you.

- Lost Wanderer - 04-28-2014 04:11 AM

Well, you're active, I just left an answer on another question of yours, haha.

I'll try my best.

I liked this girl named (also fake names) Carrie. I always tried to impress her with anything I could. Be it knowing parts of another language, beating a game/doing good on a game we both played, cracking great jokes, just anything. Well, I felt she liked me, but I didn't have the balls to accept it. (Kind of close to your situation.) I treated her as my bro for awhile, you know, just a really close friend. We already were close, but being a bro is closer. She than started dating this guy Tom. Now, at first, I hated Tom. For any reason I had. I constantly pointed out things that were not good about him, in hopes it may make her leave him. After awhile, she had agreed to leave him, but than I started to feel bad. I was essentially throwing away what they had, so I could sit there in silence and admire her, because I didn't have the balls to do anything about it. I decided, instead of a chance of me growing a pair, I'd leave them alone. So I helped Tom stay with her, and now we're ok with each other. He gets jealous of me from time to time because I still get her attention and time more than him, even though they're dating, but now it's strictly as friends, and nothing more. Getting over her wasn't easy. In a way, I may never be over her. But I remember, that I did have a chance, and if that chance was there once, it will probably be again. Some kissing, and possible sex, isn't worth breaking someone's heart. You have to ask yourself, would you be there? If Sarah breaks up with Jake, who will be there to pick up the pieces? Who will look like the good girl?