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my son is being cyber bullied, PLEASE HELP ME? - Printable Version

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my son is being cyber bullied, PLEASE HELP ME? - Oldana - 04-28-2014 04:02 AM

my son is a very very shy boy, his whole life he has struggled with weight issues, very few friends…. being alone all the time I encouraged him to create a Facebook profile and he did… I thought that it would help him with his self esteem but it backfired.

Some anonymous people that probably know him stole several of his pictures and posted them on an internet forum that talks about ugly people…. they describe him as an ogre, fat face, mixed race mongrel and more.

They even wrote down his name, so his image comes up whenever you google his name, what is worst is that they even photoshopped some of her pictures to make it seem like he is practicing oral sex on some porn actor and attached his face to the body of an ape.

He is constantly googling his name and his pictures are up there, top row

he closed his Facebook and I would like to know who can I talk to? is there a way for me to contact google so such images can disappear?

he is very anxious and I am scared for his life as he is often depressed and with very low self esteem.


- Emy - 04-28-2014 04:10 AM

cancel your internet provider service

problem solved

- ryko - 04-28-2014 04:19 AM

Oh my good lord... First of all, I apologize on behalf of everyone who has bullied your son, that is the most horrible thing I have heard.

This might help- first, find the people who are bullying your son. Even though they are anonymous, there are some ways that they can be found. Then report them. Legal action can even be taken if you feel it is reasonable.

Second, make a Facebook page dedicated to your son. Use a name that is not specific enough for the bullies to find (don't use last names, or just say “my son” as his name). Then get all of your friends to look at the page. Eventually, you'll find a lot of nice people who will support your son.

Third, if shows signs of depression, get a counselor.

Fourth- find other kids who have the same problem. There are tons. Get your son to talk to these people, it will help him.

Finally, just take every opportunity you have to show him he is important. Encourage him. Tell him that he is the most important thing in your life. Always be there to talk to him if he is lonely.

I hope this helps. You will be in my prayers.

- Sherida - 04-28-2014 04:28 AM


- Igog - 04-28-2014 04:35 AM

Sorry to hear that. You could email/write to the websites claiming copyright violation for the photographs presuming you took them. I am not sure what the us version of iwf is but you could give them a go, presuming your son is a minor the images you describe sound illegal and it may be iwf would get them taken down. Also give the police a try, cyber bullying is taken more seriously now than it used to be.

Aside from the above perhaps you could restrict your sons internet usage and get a net nanny to stop him accessing the sites. Don't respond to the bullies directly and don't let your son as any reaction will just feed them. See how you get on, I do possibly have some more tips if the above don't work so drop me a pm if the above does not work. Best of luck to you and your son.